For most 3PLs their main feeders are sales. Some companies are good at growing sales, others are not so good. Why does this happen? Most CEOs of 3PL companies blame employees for the poor results. In some cases it is true but the main reason here is that most managers do not understand the meaning of sales process, they do not understand that sale is a consistent work and the ownership for this process must be taken not only by sale managers but by CEOs as well. If it’s hard for your employees to sell, the responsibility for this, first of all is on you. There are a lot of micro and macro level reasons which prevent companies from achieving more sales. In this article I would like to draw your attention to a few which are the most important ones:
Of course, there are more reasons, but if you are able to solve the issues stated above, your sales will increase significantly. As I have mentioned before, competition in the transport agent business and in the whole 3PL sector is harsh, and it’s growing every day. Therefore, if you do not intend to be “another market participant” who meets the minimum results, it is crucial to pay more attention to the process of your firm’s optimization.