
6 11, 2023

Is recession making you dread? Take a deep breath and create a plan!


In today's challenging economic climate, logistics business owners and employees struggle to find a moment of respite to rejuvenate and plan for a brighter future. Securing freight loads has become increasingly tricky; freight prices have plummeted to unimaginable lows, Logitech technologies have fallen out of favor, and the media consistently reports that a recession [...]

Is recession making you dread? Take a deep breath and create a plan!2023-11-06T17:22:07+02:00
21 09, 2023

Critical Lessons for the Logistics Industry from Flexport’s Experience


Flexport's recent developments, including the departure of Dave Clark, layoffs, decreased revenue, and strategic shifts, have raised concerns about the company's future. This situation aligns with our earlier prediction that some digital freight forwarders might face challenges. If you'd like to explore our analysis further, you can find our article here. However, we are currently observing two [...]

Critical Lessons for the Logistics Industry from Flexport’s Experience2023-09-21T08:14:47+02:00
31 08, 2023

Healing Strategies for Struggling Sales Departments


Every logistics organization aspires to have a thriving sales department. A direct path to business growth involves maintaining a highly efficient team that consistently brings in new customers monthly. While this seems like common sense, many logistics company leaders and owners still find it an incredibly challenging endeavor. We won't sugarcoat the reality – it [...]

Healing Strategies for Struggling Sales Departments2023-08-31T14:49:32+02:00
13 07, 2023

Is niche-down still a viable option for logistics service providers?


If you would read any business book, all are saying that to succeed in business, you need to niche down. Many logistics service providers follow this advice, and of course, there are many successful ones. But is this still viable during rapid changes in global supply chains, omni-sales channel usage, turbulent economics, and unstable [...]

Is niche-down still a viable option for logistics service providers?2023-07-13T09:10:41+02:00
4 07, 2023

5 ways to boost the motivation of sales teams during a recession?


I'm honored to be able to speak with many logistics business owners and leaders. And the most common things that I hear today are related to cargo shortages and decreased prices. According to them, this situation is working negatively on sales personnel morale. Motivation is an ever-evolving topic; it’s essential during excellent and normal times, [...]

5 ways to boost the motivation of sales teams during a recession?2023-07-04T10:36:20+02:00
6 06, 2023

How to solve sales employee shortage issues in the logistics sector?


The logistics sector is facing extensive employee shortage issues. And here we are not talking about drivers or warehouse personnel; there are tensions within other positions. Many initially thought this was a short-term pandemic issue, but it’s not. As we have already written and done surveys about different positions and generally talked about how [...]

How to solve sales employee shortage issues in the logistics sector?2023-06-06T10:47:24+02:00
18 05, 2023

Six Major Possibilities for Logistics Businesses in 2023


Many LSPs hate 2023 because of declined volumes and freight prices altogether. Nevertheless, the situation isn’t perfect; we believe this year and years to come will also provide many great opportunities. So we looked into the six most significant opportunities that logistic business owners could look at to reap all the benefits in the [...]

Six Major Possibilities for Logistics Businesses in 20232023-05-18T10:09:27+02:00
24 04, 2023

Will Chat GPT Revolutionize the Trucking Industry?


There were many technological innovations within the trucking sector, which promised significant gains for the industry. I'm talking about self-service portals, visibility solutions, CO2 emission calculators, etc. Sadly, neither of them has materialized. A few months ago, we were introduced to another innovation by Open AI. For those who do not know, the chat [...]

Will Chat GPT Revolutionize the Trucking Industry?2023-04-24T14:20:53+02:00
3 04, 2023

4 Inconvenient truths related to logistics services sales and the current downturn in the market


I'm honored to be able to speak with many logistics business owners and leaders. And the most common things that I hear today are related to cargo shortages and decreased prices. The situation here is not extraordinary, as we had a growth period, and now we will have a downturn. However, the depth of [...]

4 Inconvenient truths related to logistics services sales and the current downturn in the market2023-04-03T09:46:48+02:00
17 03, 2023

Building a killer logistics services sales organization – missions possible!


Every logistics service business owner we are working with wants to increase sales and eventually become better than their competitors and generally stipulate yearly growth at a pace recommended by management theories, which is between 15-25+ %. Nevertheless, only some are ready to take on sacrifices that need to be made to make this [...]

Building a killer logistics services sales organization – missions possible!2023-03-17T10:25:54+02:00


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