Signs That Your Organization Needs Outside Help with Marketing
Examining various digital channels, it's evident that logistics businesses have recognized the value of marketing and public relations. Why do we say this? We see a growing number of logistics service providers expanding their [...]
Are You Preparing Your Logistics Business for Gen Z Customers?
Gen X and Millennials ruled the previous decade as decision-makers responsible for buying logistics services. But this is starting to change as Gen Z is stepping onto the stage and bringing new expectations to [...]
Need More Customers Fast? Your Fortune Lies in Follow-Ups
All the high-performing sales reps know that getting customers from the first interaction rarely happens. Propper follow-ups are the key to getting customers. This is one of the most unrealized opportunities within the logistics [...]
Are you working on positioning your logistics brand on digital channels? Here‘s what to pay attention to
Social media is a powerful platform for logistics businesses targeting B2B customers. It can help attract more customers and employees and increase the lifetime value of existing customers. As we work with logistics businesses, [...]
Are you working on positioning your logistics brand on digital channels? Here‘s what to pay attention to
Social media is a powerful platform for logistics businesses targeting B2B customers. It can help attract more customers and employees and increase the lifetime value of existing customers. As we work with logistics businesses, [...]
Want to Compete with the Big Guys? Three Options You Have
The competitive environment within the last few years has become quite harsh in the logistics sector. We've witnessed consolidation, which is still in progress. We saw some new market participants entering the market; here, [...]